Monday, August 22, 2022

[Story] Banana Man

One night, a young man was asked by his mother to obtain some banana leaves. Lo and behold, a naked man was hiding under its leaves.

"Who are you?!" said the boy, startled by the apparition of the man.

"I am the spirit of this plant," said the naked man.

"Why are you naked?" asked the young man.

"For I do not require garments nor accessories," replied the naked man.

Curious about this odd occurrence, the young man came closer to behold the naked man's countenance. Alas, the naked man won't let him see his face.

"Why won't you let me see you?" the young man was beginning to suspect the naked man.

"Once you've seen me, you'll thirst and hunger for me," he replied with austerity and mystery.

"Pffft! Hahaha!" the young man couldn't help but laugh when he heard that. It sounds baloney to him. His awe was replaced with mockery.

"Oh, Your Majesty! Suffer me to see your face!" cried the young man, mocking the naked man as he made weird gestures.

"Young man, are you provoking me?" the irritation was apparent in the nude man's voice. He turned sideways and his golden hair showed its glory.

The young guy couldn't help but be mesmerized by the golden hair of this nude man.

"Aye, aye! Your Majesty!" mocked the young man.

Alas, the naked man showed his face. "Behold, I am the Banana Spirit," he said. His golden hair and lustrous eyes made the young man go in a trance. His glory was too much for the young man.

"Now that you've seen me, serve me! Come here, mortal!" cried the naked man.

A bright yellow light flashed from the Banana Leaf Spirit's eye. The young man immediately fell into his knees.

The Banana Leaf Spirit beckoned his new servant to serve his new master. He made him bend to his big banana. The young man quickly crawled in front of his master.

"Have a taste of my fruit!" the spirit confidently declared. He shoved the young man's face in his big fruit and made him swallow it whole.

"Bleurgh! Urgh, urgh!" the young man made nasty noises as he devoured the spirit's cock.

"M-master, this is so...good!" the dazed young man praised his master's banana.

"Have a feast, servant!" the spirit laughed.

The young man continued eating his master's banana until it shot a thick syrup into his throat.

"Oh, master! How fortunate am I to have your essence!" exclaimed the young man.

"Fret not, my servant! You'll have an everlasting banana until you die," declared the spirit.

From then on, the Banana Spirit visits the young man instead to nourish his servant's mouth and anus with his banana.

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